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Filling Bare Spots in Bermudagrass and Zoysiagrass

By DoMyOwn staff

Say farewell to unsightly bare spots in your Bermuda Grass and Zoysia Grass turf with our simple and effective lawn care techniques.

 Filling Bare Spots in Bermudagrass and Zoysiagrass Video Play

Hey, I'm Nicole with Are you tired of unsightly bare spots ruining the lush, green beauty of your bermuda or zoysiagrass lawn?

In this video, we're gonna talk about filling those bare spots in those warm season turf types.  Bare spots can be caused by a number of things from poor soil conditions, excessive foot traffic, pet urine, grub infestation, fungal disease, pulled trees, or a lot of factors depending on your specific situation.

Bermuda and zoysia grasses possess deep root systems, setting them apart from the cool-season grasses. These grasses have a unique growth pattern, where their roots extend laterally through underground rhizomes and above ground stolons, forming nodes or rooting sections.Consequently, in many cases, bare spots can naturally fill in without the need for seeding.By implementing practices such as using plant growth regulators, or PGRs, applying a fertilizer, and maintaining proper lawn care through watering, mowing, and effective weed control, you can encourage the growth and the recovery of your lawn. The size or circumference of the bare spotsplays a significant role in determining whether seeding is gonna be necessary.As a general guideline, if the spot is smaller, measuring less than the circumference of a 5-gallon bucket, cultural practices can suffice alone for restoration.If the bare spot exceeds the circumference of a 5-gallon bucket, it is advisable to consider seeding with grass seed for a suitable solution.

For instance, If your yard has a significant weed infestation covering 60% or more of that area, you may need to re-seed after eliminating the weeds to allow grass to re-grow effectively in that area.

These types of grasses thrive in warm temperatures, making late Spring and early Summer an ideal window for filling and establishing them. By taking advantage of the heat during this time, you can ensure that the grass seed has the best chance to grow vigorously and create a lush, beautiful lawn. Before filling your lawn with grass seed, it is important to follow a few general guidelines.First, perform a soil test to assess its composition and any necessary adjustments that may need to be made.Based on the results of the soil test, apply lime and fertilizer as needed to optimize the soil conditions.

Next, mow and aerate the lawn to promote better seed-to-soil contact. Additionally, rake the bare spots to loosen the soil and create that ideal environment for that seed germination.After these steps are complete, sprinkle enough grass seed to cover the entire surface area evenly. Finally, lightly rake the soil to ensure that the seed is evenly distributed and ready for growth. Make sure to follow the label of the specific grass seed you're using.When planting, it is important to water thoroughly and immediately.

To ensure the soil remains consistently moist, continue watering as often as needed. It is crucial to prevent the top half inch of soil from drying out until the seedlings have fully emerged.Once they have, you can reduce watering to twice a week.Both zoysiagrass and bermudagrass can be filled in a similar manner and are suitable for similar soil temperatures. However, it's important to note that Bermuda grass typically takes around 3-4 weeks to germinate, while Zoysia takes a little bit longer, often 6 weeks or more. Similar watering practices are vital for the success of both grass types during the germination process. By ensuring consistent watering practices, the chances of successful growth and establishment are gonna be greatly improved.

For optimal growth and thriving, it is recommended to fill in grass areas when the soil temperatures reach at least 70 degrees. Keep in mind that soil temperatures are different from air temperatures, they may be a few degrees cooler, so make sure to measure your soil temperatures. The ideal time for this is going to be during late spring or early summer within the growing season. When filling in grass areas, it is crucial to use the same type of grass that was originally installed to maintain a consistent appearance and growth pattern.

When would I ever use the natural method? The natural method of filling in bare spots is a viable option if you have a mower with a bag that can collect the clippings and you know how to grow your grass to the proper height to collect the seed heads. By mowing your lawn and collecting grass clippings containing mature seed heads, you can evenly spread them over the bare spots. With watering and care, these natural seeds have the potential to germinate and fill in the bare areas, resulting in seamless and natural grass re-growth.

Thanks for watching! For a wide selection of high-quality lawn care products and expert advice, make sure to visit our website at Whether you need top-notch grass seed, soil amendments, herbicides, or any other lawn care essentials that you can think of, we've got you covered. Our team of experts is ready to assist you in achieving the lawn of your dreams. We also offer pest control and animal health products as well as expert advice on how to use them.

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